Save on water heating costs with free shower heads from government in Victoria.

Upgrade your shower head for free through the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program in Victoria! Take advantage of the government scheme to receive a brand-new water-efficient shower heads installed at $0 cost.

Understanding the free shower heads from government initiative

By participating in the Victorian state-run rebate scheme, you can reduce water consumption, decrease energy used for heating shower water, and benefit from a 2-year warranty on all shower heads. Replace your old, inefficient shower head with energy-efficient shower heads and stop hundreds of dollars from getting flushed down the drain.

Why go for free shower heads from government in Melbourne?

  • Save up to 11,000 lts of water per house hold a year
  • Reduced electricity bills
  • High water pressure
  • Better shower experience
  • Preservation of ecosystem
  • Free product supply and installation
  • Approved under VEU government rebate

Small initiative, big savings

Whether in bathroom, kitchen or living room, there are simple and small actions you can take to conserve energy that add up to large savings on your energy bills. Free shower heads from government is one of those upgrades that reduce water and energy use in your household.

Is it completely FREE?

Yes! The upgrade comes to you at absolutely ZERO cost. Meaning – you don’t have to pay for the product or installation cost.

Why is it FREE?

Because the free shower head replacement is done under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. This is a Victorian state government initiative to reduce water and electricity use in households.

Victoria state government has been encouraging Victorians to reduce their energy costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

What’s the catch?

There is none.

Participation in free shower head replacement initiative under the VEU rebate program is completely voluntarily. If you wish to not upgrade your existing shower head to the new one, that’s entirely your choice.


All house addresses in Victoria are eligible for FREE shower head upgrade under the VEU scheme. This means that you are eligible for the free upgrade if you haven’t received the same upgrade previously under the rebate program.

How do water efficient shower heads work?

Water efficient shower heads work by restricting the volume of water that flows through them. But does it affect your showering experience? Not at all. Water is squeezed through tiny spray jets, releasing it at high pressure, giving the illusion of higher water volume. Shower heads we install have a flow rate of only 7.5L per minute. They are designed to deliver the best shower experience.

How to check if your shower head is water-efficient?

  1. Place a bucket under your shower head
  2. Turn on the shower at water temperature and flow you use for 15 seconds
  3. Multiply collected amount by 4 to get the litres per minute
  4. If it’s over 9 litres, your current shower is not water efficient and you could benefit from our shower head.

Save water

30% of all household water usage is in the shower. You can reduce your water usage by over 40% by installing a water efficient shower head.

Save on water bills

Reduce the amount of energy required to heat the water. You are not only saving on your electricity bill but also helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Premium quality

Shower heads we install are highly water-saving. The installation is done by a qualified installer.

What else can I do to save energy?

Becoming more informed about your home’s energy use can help you save money. Not just becoming more informed about the calculation of your bill, but what is using the most energy in your home right now.

Victoria state government and ESC websites have shared many useful tips on saving energy at home. Explore products and services offered under the VEU rebate program to find ways to save money and make your home more energy efficient:

Fill out the form below to get your old shower replaced with the new one at no cost to you.

    By submitting this form, I consent to being contacted by Eco Geek and its contractors via the contact details provided to follow up on my enquiry related to VEU activities under the VEU program.

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